Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sarah Palins interview with lil Miss Katie

Lil Miss Katie,,asked
Sarah 'stupid' questions 'knowing' that not even the big O' could even answer!,,she done this for one reason and one reason only,,same as the MSM,,bias crap!,,to make her look stupid,,well,,i have news for ya,,Sarah has more intelligence and dignity than lil Miss Katie has in her little toe!,,
Same goes with the Gibson interview,,it's funny they ask Sarah things about actual acts of congress,,but when it came to the big "O's interviews,,what were his questions???????,,'when was the last time you cried'!!!,,give me a friggin break!,,that's not BIAS crap????,,I would have
loved to hear big "O" answers to the same questions they asked Sarah,,but no that wasn't gonna happen and why not??????,On purpose!,,Katie,,you may 'think' your ratings went up because of Sarah and you trying to make her look like an idiot,,but honey i have news for you,,people saw right through you!,,your crap and I wouldn't watch you if you were the only journalist left on this earth!,,I just took the poll ,,check it out lil Miss Katie,,it doesn't 'jive' with your so called article saying it helped your ratings!,,how funny!

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